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标题: 美国好莱坞著名电影公司米高梅公司宣布破产 [打印本页]

作者: 龙听    时间: 2010-11-4 18:22     标题: 美国好莱坞著名电影公司米高梅公司宣布破产

美国好莱坞著名电影公司米高梅由于无力偿还巨额债务和推出新作,于3日早晨宣布破产。  此前,亿万富翁和著名企业投资家卡尔-伊坎曾购买了米高梅20%的债务,并且致力于推动该公司与自己控股的狮门影业公司合并。近日,米高梅债权人与伊坎达成协议,伊坎放弃了合并计划,同意由其实施预组破产方案。
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  预计米高梅会在一两个月内脱离破产保护,届时将由望远镜娱乐公司的共同创始人加里-巴伯和罗杰-伯恩鲍姆担任米高梅联合首席执行长。4 y0 s7 c8 D" }! }* r+ n

7 ]+ E  b4 b6 j: [) T5 L! e5 F3 r  米高梅10月29日宣布,在持有该公司近40亿美元债务的债权人中,至少约三分之二的债权人和逾半数的个人债权人投票批准该预组破产计划,赞成票数已满足法庭批准破产重组计划所需的最低票数,重组存在的票数障碍已基本扫清。
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5 S9 ^4 N: ^9 L9 O! K1 e) L9 X( V& ]  L( V8 [" i1 [! W
8 d" T: Z9 E9 W1 a' N* S
7 C; n. p% ^+ y  k    米高梅 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)好莱坞五大电影公司之一。米高梅电影公司拍摄了电影史上最出色的影片之一——《乱世佳人》,创造出历久不衰的银幕经典——007,塑造了不朽的卡通形象——猫和老鼠,发起成立了美国电影艺术与科学学院,并推出了学院奖(即奥斯卡)……要知道,上面几个成就中的任何一个,都可以让这个公司不朽,何况几个神话集于一身。米高梅电影公司的雄狮利奥标志一度被当成了美国的象征,它旗下巨星云集,曾创造每周推出一部电影的神话。这个公司的大号叫米高梅。
8 b1 n' D8 r: ?, j4 H
1 @; @0 ]8 l7 {' GMGM Soon to Enter Bankruptcy
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MGM is looking towards entering bankruptcy soon.
4 i  J4 q. t9 T3 B# L+ w
$ g7 N" o& W9 ]: G; `  RThe U.S. film studio, full name, Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Inc. says it has received enough votes for a reorganization plan to go ahead. ; v7 s& |* k. e
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The studio said MGM creditors "overwhelmingly" approved what amounts to a prepackaged bankruptcy plan, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday.+ p* [1 g' x/ i# J0 ?! e
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The plan includes having Spyglass Entertainment co-founders Gary Barber and Roger Birnbaum take over as co-chief executive officers, the Journal said.
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# t/ ?+ D8 p. ?% l0 p, mThe pre-bankruptcy dramatics included a failed bid by activist shareholder Carl Icahn to buy enough shares to turn MGM over to rival Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. rather than Spyglass.4 g: _5 \$ f; I

5 o. V/ i" Y5 y4 e' U' |$ G" b9 SIn recent months, Icahn has been trying to gain control of Lions Gate, which filed suit against the investor this week, alleging he had bungled the MGM bid by secretly purchasing MGM shares after first coming out against an MGM-Lions Gate merger.

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