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中国石化新闻网讯 据油价网8月26日报道,美国7月对中国原油出口较上年同期增长139%,因中国买家逢低买入,使美国成为亚洲关键市场的第五大石油供应国。





    郝芬 译自 油价网


    U.S. Oil Exports To China Soar 139% In July

    U.S. crude oil exports to China grew by 139 percent on the year in July thanks to bargain hunting among Chinese buyers, making the U.S. the fifth-largest supplier of oil to the critical Chinese market.

    Reuters reports that the United States exported a daily average of over 866,000 barrels daily, based on a conversion factor of 7.33 barrels per 1 metric ton of crude. This increase boosted the total U.S. imports to China over the first seven months of the year by 31.5 percent on the respective period of 2019 to 4.8 million tons, or a monthly average of some 5 million barrels.

    China’s top supplier of crude in July was Russia, which shipped 7.38 million tons of crude to China in July, up by 30.1 percent on the year. Iraq came second, replacing Saudi Arabia and sending 5.788 million tons of crude to China in July, a 35.7-percent annual increase. Saudi Arabia’s shipments of crude to the key market, however, fell by more than 23 percent last month, to 5.36 million tons. The top five list was rounded out by Brazil, China’s fourth-largest oil supplier in July, with some 4.59 million tons, up by 27.4 percent on the year.

    U.S. oil exports to China are likely to see a further boost. Bloomberg reported earlier this month that Chinese state energy companies had chartered tankers that can carry as much as 37 million barrels of crude for September shipments. This would be a record-high for China.

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